For this project my idea was to have someone trying to focus on doing work and then daze off and fade into a daydream. For the daydream I had a landscape that faded down as the viewer traveled into the sky and then eventually space. I had a bunch of different objects flying across the screen including clouds, a bird, a plane, meteors, a rocketship, a satellite, the moon, a spaceship, and mars. I wanted to create the illusion of someone’s mind drifting farther and farther away and then at the end have them snap back to reality. I think that the objects I used turned out very well. I also thought the movement in the piece looked how I wanted it to with the viewer feeling as though they were traveling up and up into space. One thing I feel like I would’ve changed had I had more time is the bird traveling across the screen. I feel like it looked a little glitchy and I could have made it smoother with more time. Another thing I would work on is the audio. I was struggling to find the right audios and edit them to fit my video specifically.