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Zine! & Artist Statement


Updated: Feb 10, 2022

For this project I wanted to look into the simple joys in life. I asked a couple of my friends to give me a list of simple things that made them happy. Answers ranged from wine to family, to rock climbing. I created a portrait of each person I interviewed and followed it with a collage of their answers. I also asked for their favorite colors which I used in the background of their portraits. I wanted to create a little pocket book of happiness. The world is complicated, especially now in the midst of a global pandemic. Reminding yourself of little things that bring you joy or that you are thankful for is proven to increase happiness. One difficult part of this process was that I lost a bunch of my work the night before the due date. This was discouraging because I had spent a lot of time on the project already and had to start over on many of the pieces. I really enjoyed working with Illustrator on this project. I think that the portraits came out pretty well and it was fun to show my friends the final pieces. In the future I would like to spend a little more time with photoshop.


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