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Reading Blog #3


I think this article was super interesting because it showed the evolution of web art. I think digital art as a whole is the next frontier in the art world. The possibilities are quite literally endless. I think it is also interesting too because these formats can reach anyone anywhere in the world who has access to the internet. I thought the idea of the “Cyberfeminist Manifesto” was really cool. It was cool that women were taking a stand and making their voice heard in a predominantly male space. It was cool to read about how a lot of women used web art to speak out. Again, anything on the internet has the potential to reach so many people so it is a really cool format to put out messages for change. I think it will be interesting to see how this medium of art continues to develop and grow. There are technological advances being made daily and there is always a way to incorporate them into art. Websites are such a cool format because it is really easy to tailor them exactly how you want them to be. Even just using Wix, which is such a simple way to build a site, there are so many different pathways you can take. The art world is constantly evolving and I am definitely excited to work on this project in web design and see how creative I can be with it.

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